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Here you will find all our episodes.  Each one is a standalone story, so dip in and out as much as you like!  You can also filter by tags below which will probably become more useful as time goes on!

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Episodes by the tag: grimm - clear Tag

7: Little Red Cap

The story of Little Red Cap, better known as Little Red Riding Hood. A brand new adaptation based on the version from the Brothers Grimm, plus a morality poem from Charles Perrault.

6: Hansel and Gretel

When two children are abandoned in a dark forest, they wander lost and scared until they find a wonderful cottage made of bread and sugar. But the old woman who owns it has only one plan - dinner!

3: Cinderella

With Panto season here, I thought I would chose a particularly gruesome little tale. The story of the lonely girl who slept in the ashes. Cinderella!

1: The Golden Bird

For my first episode, I read a brand new adaptation of The Golden Bird by The Brothers Grimm. A tale of greed and good intentions!